mcr PS-25 band is designed for fireproofing flammable pipes up to Ø250 mm and flammable pipes in combined penetrations.
mcr Polylack F paint is used for fireproofing: building crevices and dilatations up to 50 mm; penetrations for single cables, cable bundles, cable trays; combined penetrations – cables, pipes, electrical conduits flammable pipes and non-flammable pipes in insulation.
mcr Polylack K is a supplementary product for mcr Polylack F paint, which serves the function of a filling and sealing mass. mcr Polylack K paste is used for fire-tightening of: penetrations of single cables, cable bundles, cable trays and cable ladders; combined penetrations – cables, pipes, electrical conduits; flammable pipes and non-flammable pipes in insulation.
mcr Polylack KG paste is used for fire-tightening of: single cables and cable bundles up to Ø 100 mm; non-flammable pipes in flammable insulation up to Ø160 mm; flammable pipes up to Ø 50 mm; cables in electrical conduit up to Ø 160 mm.
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