Cut-off fire dampers mcr FID 240 are intended to be installed as part of a general ventilation system in points of contact with vertical building partitions. They preserve the fire-resistance of ventilation and air conditioning ducts located within during fires. Simultaneously preventing flames, smoke and fire gases from accessing the rest of the building. In normal circumstances the blade remains open, automatically closing in case of fire. Dampers cannot work properly in dustiness-prone spaces, unless subjected to the special, individually fitted servicing and technical inspection regimen.
The dampers are certified for conformity with EN 12101-8, classified pursuant to EN 13501-4, and tested according to EN 1366-10. They are designed for use in general ventilation installations.
Fire resistance class of EI120(ve ho i↔o). The dampers are certified for conformity with EN 15650, classified pursuant to EN 13501-3, and tested according to EN 1366-2. They are designed for use in general ventilation installations. Optional EX making of dampers (as per ATEX directive) for applications in explosion hazard zones.
Fire resistance class of EI120(ve ho i↔o)S. The dampers are certified for conformity with EN 15650, classified pursuant to EN 13501-3, and tested according to EN 1366-2. They are designed for use in general ventilation installations. Optional EX making of dampers (as per ATEX directive) for applications in explosion hazard zones.
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