Key details
Fire resistance class: EI 120 (ve ho i↔o) S
Fire resistance class: EI 60 (ve ho i↔o) S
Dampers certified for compliance with EN 15650
Our mcr FID WING fire dampers are designed for installation at penetrations of day-to-day ventilation ductwork through the building walls and horizontal assemblies. Their purpose is to maintain the fire-resistance rating of a building component at a point where it is penetrated by ventilation or air-conditioning ducts. They also prevent spread of flame, smoke and combustion gasses to the parts of the building which are not on fire. During normal operation of the system, the damper blade remains in the open position. In the event of a fire, the damper blade moves to the closed position.
The dampers must not work in systems exposed to dust, unless they are covered by a special, individually developed servicing and technical inspections program.
- Easy installation
- Wide range of assembly for EIS 120
- compact product for storage
The mcr FID WING circular dampers fulfil the fire resistance class EI 120 (ve ho i↔o) S and EI 60 (Ve ho i↔o) S requirements for installation in min. 100 mm thick concrete, solid brickwork or aerated concrete blockwork walls, in min. 100 mm thick steel stud and plasterboard partitions of fire resistance equal to the expected fire resistance of the fire damper in question and in concrete floor slabs with a min. thickness of 100 mm for EIS60 and 150 mm for EIS120.
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Projekt i wykonanie:Wiselimber Interactive