The mcr Sil-MU seal is designed to be used wherever reduced mechanical strength is required, e.g. on wood, steel and aluminium fire doors, fire doors for special areas of application, as well as for ventilation and smoke exhaust ducts, cable ducts, the sealing of windows, facades and others.
mcr Tecwool F spray mortar is used for fireproofing steel structural elements with opened and closed sections, reinforced concrete elements, as well as reinforced concrete ceilings on troughed sheet, and beam-and-hollow brick indoor floors. mcr Tecwool F additionally features very high acoustic insulation properties, which makes it perfect for use as an acoustic plaster.
mcr Isoverm 825 is used for fire protection of steel structural elements indoor and outdoor building objects.
mcr PS collar is used for fireproofing: flammable pipes up to Ø250 mm, flammable pipes in flammable insulation up to Ø250 mm, non-flammable pipes in flammable insulation up to Ø160 mm, flammable pines at an angle up to Ø160 mm and flammable pipes in combined penetrations.
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