Operating properties as per EN 12101-3:2002+AC:2005. mcr Pasat roof smoke exhaust fans are designed for exhausting hot air, smoke and gases occurring in rooms during fire. They may also be used in comfort and industrial ventilation systems as extracting fans.
Functional properties according to EN 12101-3:2002+AC:2005. mcr Monsun R axial fans are used in fire ventilation systems for smoke exhaust and air supply, where reversibility of the system or explosion-proof making is required; they may also be used in comfort ventilation systems as intake or exhaust fans.
Functional properties according to EN 12101-3:2002+AC:2005. mcr Monsun C axial fans are used in fire ventilation systems for smoke exhaust or air supply, where additional thermal and acoustic insulation of the housing, reversibility of the system, or explosion-proof making is required.
Functional properties according to EN 12101-3:2002+AC:2005. mcr Bora jet fans are used in fire ventilation systems. Due to their design the air or smoke is directed in a specific direction and moves with certain forced velocity.
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