Key details
Fire resistance class: EI 120 (ve i↔o) / E120 (ve i↔o)
Dampers certified for conformance with EN 15650.
Additional details
Certificate of constancy of performance 1396-CPR-0097.
Dampers are classified as per EN 13501-2 and tested according to EN 1366-2.
Dampers are classified as per EN 13501-3 and tested according to EN 1366-2.
Declaration of performance 001-05-CPR-2015.
Optional EX making of dampers (as per ATEX directive) for applications in explosion hazard zones.
mcr WIP/T transfer dampers and mcr WIP/T-G pressure-relief dampers are designed for installation in fire and comfort ventilation systems. They are installed in fire partitions, without connecting ventilation ducts to them; they preserve fire resistance of building partitions during fire.
mcr WIP/T dampers are used as transfer dampers. They feature mechanisms with thermoelectric activators or without activators, depending on the function.
mcr WIP/T-G dampers are used as pressure-relieving dampers, e.g. in gas extinguishing systems. This variant features mechanisms without thermoelectric activators, in case of power failure the damper closes.
Transfer and relieving dampers of fire resistance independent from direction of air flow and installation side.
Fixed, narrow damper thickness, regardless of B x H dimensions.
When made for potentially explosive zones (EX variant), the dampers may operate in zone 1 (risk of explosion of gases inside and outside of ventilation ducts) and zone 21 (risk of explosion of dust outside ducts). The dampers conform to the requirements of group II category 2G and -/2D.
Dimensions for rectangular dampers:
Apart from standard dimensions, dampers can be customized to any size within the specified ranges.
Detailed technical data are contained in the technical catalogue.
Making variants:
Duct cover can be painted to any RAL color.
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