Mineral wool board coated with:
1. the mcr Polylack F intumescent paint
European Technical Approval ETA-18/0171
Certificate of Constancy of Performance: 1488-CPR-0680/W
Declaration of Performance: 81070
2. the mcr Polylack Elastic paint
European Technical Approval ETA-18/0169
The mcr mineral wool Dunaboards are factory-coated with one layer of either the mcr Polylack F or the mcr Polylack Elastic paint.
They are designed for fire sealing of installation penetrations using the mcr Polylack technology.
The use of ready-made mcr Dunaboards significantly accelerates the installation of fire seals for system penetrations.
The boards are available in the size of 1000 x 600 x 60 mm.
Partition thicknesses (minimum values):
The maximum size of a combined penetration is 1200 x 1800 mm.
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Projekt i wykonanie:Wiselimber Interactive